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No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ (Part 2)

By Creflo Dollar


In an environment that condemns us and tells us we aren’t good enough, trusting in Jesus completely flips things around for us. To be condemned means to be declared unfit and guilty; judgment and punishment are attached. This creates fear of an impending verdict of guilt being pronounced against us. By contrast, faith in Jesus justifies us even when we sin, make mistakes, and fall short. Instead of judging the woman caught in adultery and Zacchaeus the tax collector, Jesus showed compassion to them—this transformed them. We’re definitely not good enough on our own; acknowledging that God is the only one who can make us good enough gives us victory over condemnation.

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No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ

By Creflo Dollar


The world has enough negativity without us adding to it. As Christians, when we see someone struggling to perform perfectly but missing the mark, we need to encourage them, not condemn them. This encouragement should include ministering the truth to them about their identity as believers who have Christ living in them. Believing that we’re the righteousness of God changes our behavior. Jesus is grace and truth; He’s the one who does the changing. Feelings of guilt and shame are emotionally painful, and aren’t God’s will for us. We’ll continue to struggle as long as we focus on ourselves and on our own performance; focusing instead on Christ, and who we are in Him, lifts us out of sin.

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When Will I Be What God Says I Am?

By CDM Staff


On our Christian walk, we are gradually becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Despite our progress, however, there is still a gap between who God says we are and what we see in our everyday lives—although He says we are the righteousness of God, sometimes we still do unrighteous things. Our faith in Christ is a critical component in this journey; we must believe what God says we are, even when our lives do not reflect that yet. Our belief in our redemption contradicts what religion tells us, which is that our salvation hinges on what we do. The truth is that we are saved because of what Jesus did, and our trust in that. God never contradicts Himself. Although our stance in perfection was forever determined when we believed in Jesus, our state of perfection, which refers to our earthly lives, is still unfinished..

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How to Be Flexible

By Creflo Dollar


Emotional maturity is a key component to a successful Christian life. Being emotionally mature requires flexibility, which allows us to adapt to situations as they arise. Jesus Christ is our perfect example; when God’s original plan for mankind was spoiled by sin, He adapted to the situation by sending His Son in human form to restore things to the way they were intended to be. Paul was another example; he demonstrated maturity and adaptability in the midst of adversity and painful circumstances. A willingness to humble ourselves in this manner allows God to use us to do great things.

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Ten Signs of Emotional Maturity

By Creflo Dollar


As Christians, our well-being encompasses not just our bodies and our spirits, but also our feelings. Our emotions reside in our souls and have considerable control over the direction of our lives. If we don’t mature emotionally, we can end up in a bad place. Emotional maturity doesn’t mean being serious all the time; being willing to loosen up a bit allows us to enjoy life, which is God’s will for us.

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How to Mature in Your Emotions

By Creflo Dollar


Life isn’t always easy; it’s to be expected that we’ll struggle with adversity from time to time. However, the believer always wins because our triumph is in the finished works of Jesus Christ. No matter what the situation looks like, we’ve already won because of what Jesus accomplished. He provides us with supernatural strength to overcome problems when they show up; therefore, whatever the devil throws at us will fail because we’re empowered to outlast the enemy. God’s love for us reassures us and gives us confidence that He’ll rescue and deliver us from whatever trouble we fall into.

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