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The Attractiveness of God’s Grace

By Creflo Dollar


God’s ways of operating are completely different than man’s ways, and much more effective in changing us for the better and causing us to want to live godly. The world uses punishment and threats to correct our behavior; by contrast, God uses mercy and forgiveness. The absence of condemnation gives us the power to overcome what once overcame us. To convince us to reject the world and its sinful ways, God continually reminds us how attractive and beautiful heaven is. He also instructs us to declare in faith the passing away of earth, which is temporary. Yielding ourselves to Him allows Him to work through us to reach others through empathy and compassion, not through judgment. We must not settle for what we see around us, but instead focus on Jesus and on heaven because the best is yet to come..

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Grace for Daily Living (Part 2)

By Creflo Dollar


God’s favor works in our lives on many different levels, one of which is to provide what we need every day. Our faith, not in what we do but in what Jesus has already done, activates grace to begin working on our behalf. This frees us from constantly striving through our own efforts and enables us to confidently trust in Jesus’ finished works. Trusting in His grace matures us and helps us to grow into the person God wants us to be.

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 10)

By Inky Johnson


Transparency, empathy, and vulnerability are powerful tools that we don’t always extend to each other as men. God often puts us in situations and circumstances to give us opportunities to bless others; this is intentional because we tend to hide behind shields instead of being open and transparent with others. When trouble shows up in our lives, instead of shying away from it, we must be willing to persevere and go through it; this enables us to be the individuals God called us to be. However, we can’t do this without leaning on God to learn His will for our lives instead of trying to control the situation ourselves through fear and anxiety. We can’t succeed by operating in panic mode. Putting our faith on trial in tough times and letting God guide us allows Him to use us in powerful ways.

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 4)

By Michael Smith


God created the heavens, the earth, and everyone in it out of love; the Jews were His chosen people, and for thousands of years, they thought they were the only ones God loved and cared about. They saw their surrounding environment through the lens of Old-Testament law and waited expectantly for their promised Messiah; when He finally arrived, they were caught off guard and completely unprepared for the message of grace, mercy, and forgiveness He preached. Jesus demonstrated, by example, God’s loving and compassionate nature. Changing the way we think and seeing God through the lens of Jesus Christ gives us progressive and continual revelation; it opens our spiritual eyes so that we can see God as He really is.

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 6)

By Clarence McClendon


Being born again is a significant event marking the beginning of a new life for the believer. It is the most important thing we could ever do; however, there are levels to this critical spiritual state that most of the church does not understand. Unlike the disciples, Paul saw Jesus after His ascension because he received a revelation of how God operates. This gave him the spiritual vision to write to the church about the significance of becoming a new creation in Christ. Born-again believers baptized into Christ are in Him; this means that whatever happened to Jesus—including His resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven—will also happen to us. Moving away from deceptive religious thinking and gaining a proper understanding of our baptism into Christ reveals that His finished works assured us of our salvation the moment we accepted Him, regardless of what we do in the future. What Jesus did on earth was not just a one-time event, but the beginning of an ongoing operation that is still happening in the lives of believers today..

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 3)

By Gregory Dickow


God gave us His Word to help us navigate our earthly lives. Life is a journey, and just like any journey, we’ll get lost without a roadmap. God’s grace figures prominently on our Christian walk; grace is a person—Jesus—and the Bible is the map to that person. However, if while traveling we feel condemned, it’s because we aren’t following the map. Jesus is extending unconditional acceptance and welcoming us with open arms, with no condemnation or judgment; seeing Him for who He really is and accepting His invitation gives us joy that the enemy can’t take away.

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