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The End Times Prophecy Concerning the United States

By Creflo Dollar


The Bible tells us to depend on God as our source. This has always been true; it is especially so right now, as the prophecies Jesus made concerning what will happen globally in these last days are coming to pass. Depending on God cannot be simply lip service anymore; our trust must be genuine. Never has our faith in Him been so important as in this time when so many people have chosen idols, such as money, for themselves. This is due to the prevalence of the spirit of mammon in the world, especially in America. As worldly systems continue to break down, world leaders prove untrustworthy, and fear increases, God will be the only One we will be able to rely on. When all earthly resources dry up and disappear, Christians will always have more than enough when we believe that God will provide everything we need.

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How to Deal with Unbelief

By Creflo Dollar


We live in an environment that constantly challenges our faith. Theoretically, we believe, yet what we see, hear, and feel on the physical level introduces just enough doubt to counteract our belief. Ignorance about the truth of God’s Word also causes unbelief, as does being taught wrong doctrine. Being born again moves us from living under the law to living under grace; however, letting the law become so entrenched in our minds that we cannot let go of it blocks us from believing God. As believers, we have received the same authority and power that Jesus Christ has; we must not let what we observe around us make us question or doubt this. It is entirely possible to have unbelief and faith coexisting side-by-side in our minds; prayer and fasting drives out that unbelief. Believing who we are in Christ keeps doubt from cancelling out our trust and reliance on Him.

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The Chastening of the Lord (Part 2)

By Creflo Dollar


There is considerable misunderstanding about what it means when God chastens us. He does this as a loving Father to correct and guide us, not to punish us. His chastening helps direct us toward righteousness, godliness, and complete dependence on Him. Punishment, which involves fear, does not figure into the covenant of grace, because it is not God’s nature to punish. Punishment is a consequence of wrongdoing; however, Jesus took all the punishment we deserved when He went to the cross. We are guaranteed to encounter adversity and painful circumstances in life; God uses those things not because He is angry with us, but to grow and mature us. The next time we run into trouble, we can be thankful and joyful knowing that God loves us and cares enough about us to discipline us for our own good..

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2023 Spark Women’s Conference - Igniting Your Inner Fire

By Taffi Dollar


God has put individual grace gifts inside each of us; for them to be effective, they need to be used regularly and not remain dormant or flicker out. Similar to the way a breeze can fan a small flame into a blazing fire, we must keep stoking the gifts in us. We must be bold, not shy or timid in using them; this is one way God works in us and through us. Walking in our gifts allows them to develop and mature on the inside of us and keeps our fire burning..

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2023 Spark Women’s Conference - Fireside Chat: Getting Your Spark Back

By Various Speakers


The emotions of guilt, shame, and condemnation dim our light and put out our spark; the enemy knows that if we’re in a place of condemnation and shame, we won’t approach God. We avoid situations that put our spark out by being aware of self-deception, which is the worst kind of deception. As women, we have some friendship circles we’re transitioning out of; we “vet out” the circle of friends as we grow in the grace life by deciding that if they can’t grow with us, they can’t go with us. When beginning again is enough to discourage us, we get the courage to begin again by remembering that we qualify, and remembering who called and endorsed us.

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GraceLife Conference 2023 Women’s Session - Mimi Haddad

By Mimi Haddad


Women have been created in God’s image to do great things in a hurting world, and we must fan into flame the spiritual gifts that we have. We live in a male-oriented world, but the entire Bible is filled with women who provided extraordinary examples of leadership. Some of the women who refused to fit into a predetermined mold included Esther, Ruth, Miriam, Deborah, Rahab, Mary Magdalene, Priscilla, and Lydia. Jesus had to come to earth to restore the gender equality that sin destroyed. Women were among the believers who received the Holy Spirit during the first Pentecost. We must read the Bible carefully and in the proper context so as not to misinterpret what God says about women.

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