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For the week of January 15, 2024 Acquitted by Faith in Jesus Christ

Change is inevitable in life, and sometimes the biggest challenge we face is learning how to handle it. Life as mankind knew it underwent a radical change from the Old to the New Testaments. Under the old covenant of the Law of Moses, the people were led by rules, regulations, and prophets; that all changed when Jesus came and established the new covenant of grace. The law pointed out the sin in mankind and made him feel guilty and condemned; by contrast, believers living by grace have been judged as righteous, despite their actions.

Whatever the law says, it says it to those living under it, that all the world would be found guilty before God. In the Old Testament, the law was used to pronounce judgment on many. The wages of sin is death; therefore, many people died. God found fault with the old covenant, so He sent His Son to establish a better covenant with better promises. 

When Jesus came, He preached mercy and forgiveness, which most people didn’t understand or accept. However, He succeeded in His mission. When Jesus went to the cross, He cancelled and blotted out the handwriting of the bond, with its legal regulations, decrees, and demands by nailing the law to the cross with Him to end it forever. The focus has now changed from doing to believing.

This is good news for us as Christians, because there’s no judgment against anyone who believes in Christ. Faith is now more important to God than self-effort. When the people saw Jesus performing miracles, they asked Him what they could do to work the works of God; Jesus explained to them that the work of God is to believe in Him whom He had sent. People still struggle with this even today.

No one could escape condemnation under the law; thankfully, we’ve been freed having to obey rules that are impossible to follow. Believers have been acquitted. Understanding and accepting this shift in thinking makes us free.


God, the harsh, unforgiving law You established was only for a limited time; the new covenant has better promises for us. There is now no more condemnation for those who trust in Christ. Thank You for what You did. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Romans 3:19, NKJV

Romans 6:23

Hebrews 8:6, 7

Colossians 2:14, AMPC

John 3:18, NLT

John 6:28, 29

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