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For the week of January 23, 2023 Confessing Change to Mirror God’s Character

As believers, we’re called to reflect the same godly character as Jesus Christ. This is what sets us apart from the world. However, if we’re struggling to succeed in life, it may be because of character flaws that God wants to burn out of us. Accepting the Holy Spirit’s help in this area allows Him to develop in us the same characteristics as God.

Change is a gradual process, and is powerfully aided by our deliberate, thoughtful confessions of God’s Word. We could never enact any positive changes through our self-efforts; we need help from the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of grace. Verbally confessing that He was sent to be our helper and guide in this process allows Him to work on us and in us. The Father sent Him to us to teach us all the things we need to know.

Spouting off in anger can be destructive. When we confess the wrong thing, the Spirit prompts us on the right things to confess. He reminds us that whoever keeps his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.

Grace teaches us that God accepts and loves us just as we are, with all our flaws and shortcomings. However, grace also has the objective of bringing us out of our mess so that we don’t stay in the same miserable condition as before. God has made this promise to us, and He won’t ever back off from what He said. He’ll never break His covenant, nor alter what came out of His lips.

When God reveals things about us we need to change, He does so in love. We may be able to hide our negative personality traits from others, and even try to deny to ourselves there’s anything wrong, but God’s Word is powerful and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. He gently and lovingly nudges us forward. Letting His Word guide our words brings to pass supernatural change for the better.


Lord, although we’re not perfect, Your Spirit is gradually changing our characters and making us increasingly more like You. Thank You for giving us the ability to confess Your Word in this process. In Jesus’ name, amen.


John 14:26

Proverbs 21:23

Psalm 89:34

Hebrews 4:12

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