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For the week of February 13, 2023 Embracing a Decision to Change

Change of any kind can be scary. This is because it involves the idea of moving forward into the unknown. However, change is a powerful force that can bring life and healing when we need it. When we reach the point at which we’re willing to move out of our comfort zone, God is always ready to step in and help.

Change begins on the inside, and sometimes we need to adjust our mindset if we want to be healed. When the leper encountered Jesus, he initially needed some help changing his mind and believing God really did want him healed. Healing is only possible when we trust in God’s Word concerning our health. Doing this brings health to our flesh and strength to our bones.

Basing our emotions on what God says to us, instead of on what the world says, makes the difference between being either hopeful and joyful or sad and depressed. Our minds have a powerful effect on our physical bodies, and what we think about every day impacts our health. A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Our good health depends on whether we simply give a cursory read to God’s Word of grace, or internalize it and let it change us.

Fear of change comes from the devil, who wants us to remain focused on the negative things that may have caused our health problems in the first place. He’d rather we stagnate instead of moving into restoration of good health. We fight this by standing strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We win—and receive our healing—by steadfastly holding on to God’s promises of healing when the enemy attacks.


Lord, health problems aren’t what You want for us. The Bible is filled with promises of healing and wholeness for believers willing to re-shape their thinking according to Your Word. Thank You for making good health available to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Matthew 8:1-3

Luke 5:12, 13

Proverbs 3:8, NKJV

Proverbs 17:22

Ephesians 6:10
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