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For the week of May 8, 2023 Proclaiming Our Victory Through Jesus’ Blood

We can all remember times when we felt overwhelmed and ill-equipped to deal with an unexpected situation. Trouble is a common denominator in life for us all, but not everyone deals with it the same way. Most people wrestle with it using their own efforts to solve the problem, but human effort only goes so far. When we need help with a situation, pleading the blood of Jesus does things we’re incapable of doing ourselves.

Regardless of how strong we think we are in the face of adversity, Jesus’ blood is stronger. It came from God, Himself; the fact that He shed it for us speaks volumes to His commitment to be with us when we need Him. It’s the only thing that can give us access to God’s presence and His promise of deliverance from evil and protection from harm. We’ve been ransomed by the precious blood of Christ, the Lamb without blemish or spot.

We must never underestimate what Jesus’ blood has accomplished. Confessing it unleashes supernatural favor we can’t take the credit for. In the Old Testament, the people who smeared lamb’s blood on their doorposts were spared death and destruction from the plague; this foreshadowed Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. Even today, the blood of the Lamb of God still has the same lifesaving power.

Jesus’ blood sacrifice broke the generational curses that had existed because of sin. He blotted out the handwriting of ordinances against us, and took them away by nailing them to the cross and triumphing over them. Faith in what He did, and a willingness to speak this over adversity when it shows up, gives us the same victory that Christ obtained.

The devil doesn’t want us to know about the authority Jesus’ blood gives us, which is why he tries to keep us ignorant of it. Our adversary walks about, seeking whom he may devour; however, he’s powerless against the Christian who pleads the blood. In our spiritual fight against him, this is one of our most powerful weapons.


God, as born-again believers who are covered in the blood of Your Son, we have all the power of heaven on our side. Regardless of what happens in life, declaring this gives us the same victory over it that Christ has. We’re thankful for this. In Jesus’ name, amen


1 Peter 1:19

Exodus 12:13

Colossians 2:14, 15

1 Peter 5:8
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