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For the week of August 7, 2023 When Our Lives Turn into Worship

Reflecting on all God has done in our lives, and the many different ways He has blessed us, triggers worship as an automatic response. As believers, it’s hard not to be thankful and grateful. However, true praise goes deeper than just raising our hands or singing a song. We’re most pleasing to God when we allow Him to turn our entire life into worship.

Under the old covenant of the law, man’s motivation to obey the commandments was to get something from God. Under the new covenant of grace, our motivation is now thankfulness and gratitude for how the finished works of Jesus have impacted our lives. No longer do situations have the power to defeat us, because God always causes us to triumph in Christ. To God, our lives are a sweet savor of Christ because we’ve been saved.

In light of this, the way we live our lives is a form of worship. This involves presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. As a part of our bodies, our minds must also be renewed, so as not to be conformed to this world.

Living a life of worship means that we take our everyday, ordinary lives and place them before God as an offering; embracing what He does for us is the best thing we can do for Him. We mustn’t become too well-adjusted to our environment. Fixing our attention on God keeps us from being dragged down by the culture around us.

Worship isn’t something we do, but a lifestyle we choose. We can come to God confidently, just as we are; He isn’t looking for perfection, just our willingness to worship Him for who He is. It’s who we are and the way we live that count before Him. Those who worship Him must do it out of their very being, their true selves; understanding this profoundly deepens our relationship with God.


Lord, heartfelt praise for the right reasons pleases You. Your Word tells us exactly how to walk in thankfulness and praise, and grow in our relationship with you. We’re thankful for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.


2 Corinthians 2:14, 15

Romans 12:1, 2

Romans 12:1, 2, MSG

John 4:23, 24, MSG
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