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For the week of December 18, 2023 Another Chance from the God Who Loves Us

We all need to make a fresh start every so often. When we feel overwhelmed by the trials of life and can’t seem to get unstuck from our present situation, a change of direction can give us new perspective. The point at which one year is about to end, and another is about to begin is where many of us choose to regroup. In the midst of thinking of New Year’s resolutions we can make, the best one is to depend on God for our future success.

We may have had a bad year; some of us may be struggling because we’ve had a stretch of bad years for far too long. Like Ebenezer Scrooge, wrong thinking may have taken its toll on our lives. Thankfully, God’s favor helps us change the direction of our lives for the coming year. By His grace we’re saved by faith; this is a gift from Him. 

We address the wrong thinking that drags us down by renewing our minds according to the Word. This involves putting off our former way of life and our old selves to be made new in the attitude of our minds. Renewing our minds transforms us so that we’re not conformed to the world, and opens us up to learn what God’s good and perfect will is for our lives.

The devil tries to trap us in our past, but God wants us to move forward. There are new things waiting for us just ahead, even if we can’t see them yet. God tells us not to remember the former things or consider the things of old; He’s doing a new thing that will spring forth.

Time marches on, but no one knows for how much longer. Relying on God allows us to begin again. With alert minds, we can set our hope on the grace to be bought to us when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming. This gives us a brand-new perspective.


God, You give us multiple chances to make a new start in life. You’re always ready to redirect us and put us back on the path that we should be on. Thank you for the grace and mercy You show us. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Ephesians 2:8

Ephesians 4:22, 23, NIV

Romans 12:2

Isaiah 43:18, 19, NKJV

1 Peter 1:13, NIV

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