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For the week of March 18, 2024 Real Life Transformation

None of us want to keep struggling with the same issue repeatedly, wondering when we’ll see a change for the better. Thankfully, we don’t have to struggle at all. True change begins on the inside of us, but requires a change in thinking if we want to see transformation in our lives. When we feel trapped in a situation, faith in God’s Word has the power to bring about change in us; as believers, if we continue in the Word, we will know the truth, and the truth will make us free.

Wrong-thinking causes us fear and puts us in emotional bondage; right-thinking frees us and gives us peace. The world doesn’t know Jesus or His unmerited, undeserved favor toward us, and therefore still operates under the condemning laws that Moses gave. However, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. We can be grateful that we’re no longer under the law, but under grace.

We don’t have to work hard to experience breakthrough and real life transformation; all we need is faith in God’s favor toward us. Grace is the truth that sets us free from anger, shame, guilt, and every other negative feeling that causes us pain and holds us back. It’s the antidote to every emotional poison in our minds.

The world focuses on right-living; this is impossible until we learn right-believing, first. Knowing who we are in Christ determines what we do. The apostle Paul was a perfect example of this. He was transformed from the old Saul who murdered Christians to the new Paul who could truthfully say he had wronged or defrauded no man.

Paul was able to completely cut ties with his former self because he had become a new man in Christ. We can experience the same transformation. It’s impossible to remain unchanged when we put our relationship with Jesus before anything else. Trusting in Him causes issues we once grappled with to completely lose their power over us.     


God, when we’re stuck in a situation, we don’t have to stay there. Learning to think differently, according to Your Word of grace, helps us break free and move forward again. Your Son brings positive change, and we’re thankful for that. In Jesus’ name, amen.


John 8:31, 32

John 1:17

Romans 6:14

Acts 8:1-3

2 Corinthians 7:2

2 Corinthians 5:17

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